Case study

How We Developed Applications for Swiss Life Select

Company type:
Financial Advisory
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland
Project MD:
1 000 +
Project management
Project management
Team leasing
Team leasing
Technical analysis
Technical analysis
Tender procedures
Tender procedures
Software development
Software development
Testing software
Testing software
AWS infrastructure
AWS infrastructure
Who is Swiss Life Select
Swiss Life Select is a leading financial advisory company in the Czech Republic, providing comprehensive financial services. It is a part of the Swiss financial group Swiss Life, a leading provider of pension and financial solutions in Europe. Through skilled financial advisors, they assist both private and corporate clients in preparing for their financial future.
Clear Vision and Specific Goal
Swiss Life Select approached us with a clear vision of making their employees' work easier. For financial advisors, we developed an application that streamlines and automates the entire business process, from evaluating a client's financial situation to proposing solutions. And the legal department employees at Swiss Life Select received a solution for fulfilling legislative requirements of the AML process, which also enables the approval or rejection of business cases based on automatic evaluation.
Application for Advisors
  • creating a client profile
  • collecting client data
  • evaluating the financial situation of the client
  • proposing suitable solutions based on the current financial situation
  • communicating with the central system
Application for Fulfilling Legislative Requirements of the AML Process
The goal was to automate and fine-tune the processes
1) Application for Advisors
Develop a tool that guides financial advisors through the entire business process.
Develop a tool enabling legal department employees to approve or reject business cases based on automatic evaluation and client parameterization. The application must also meet all AML (Anti-Money Laundering) legislative requirements of the European Union.
Efficiency Enhancement for Employees
Both applications have sped up the work of Swiss Life Select employees – processing new customers is faster, work procedures are standardized, and legislative requirements are checked automatically. As a result, employees can focus on more important activities, whether it’s client communication or expert analysis of potentially problematic cases.
Contact us
Application for Advisors
We created the application using the Vue.js framework. Its foundation consists of various digital forms and an application guide that allows detailed analysis of the client's financial status. Data are evaluated using specific economic models, enabling advisors to accurately assess the client’s situation. Protocols and forms ready for printing and client signatures are also a standard feature. The application includes calculators for partial outputs and calculations, simplifying the steps of the entire process for financial advisors. We also implemented relevant legislative and project modules into this solution, overseeing the correct computation processes and sensitive data flow.
We created the system using the VueJS framework with both relational and non-relational databases. Information on all business cases is collected in the application, evaluated based on data from non-public European databases. If a case is assessed as potentially problematic, it is passed on to employees for manual verification. The legal department employee then thoroughly examines the case to confirm or reject it. The application includes built-in SDKs and graphic plugins for other solutions that use its functions. This reduced the implementation costs into other tools by 90%.
Personal reference
5 star rating
"Rated in stars, Orgis would get 5 out of 5 from us"

Satisfaction with the proposed solution

Before the actual implementation of the selected solution, detailed technical and business discussions always take place, along with thorough contemplation of the suitability and sensibility of the considered options. We most appreciate the comprehensive view of the situation and the respect for our needs as a customer. We have never experienced receiving a pre-developed "off-the-shelf" product from the company, which they would try to quickly capitalize on. They always seek solutions tailored to the needs of our company. In our experience, Orgis's interest in customer satisfaction (our organization) comes before their own economic interests.

Satisfaction with the company's philosophy and approach to cooperation standards

When Orgis took over the management of the FE part of the consulting tool application iFin from the previous supplier, the project and application were almost on the brink of closure. Over 2 years, we managed to not only save the project with Orgis but also to transform the iFin tool into a showcase of IT product development in our company, thanks to the new setting (adherence to the highest project standards and demanding the best possible technological standards from other suppliers).

Satisfaction with the professionalism of the team members

Whether it was about resuscitating the iFin project or developing a new AML module, we always got the best people in the market. In their own fieldwork as well as in personal meetings, everyone acts very professionally and consistently as "One man", regardless of professional specialization. In difficult situations, they can act rationally without undue emotions and always do their utmost to ensure we as a customer are satisfied. Every team member I personally met convinced me that they are a valuable and beneficial "building block" of the project.

Satisfaction with the economics of cooperation

Rated in stars, Orgis would get 5 out of 5 from us. Companies that would refuse to continue a contract (which is a golden goose for the supplier) because it does not make economic sense for the customer could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Orgis is one of these companies. They place great emphasis on economic benefits, sensibility, and financial efficiency.

I personally attended meetings with top management where the participation of Orgis in the project was weighed in case it would not make long-term economic sense for our company. This special sense for efficiency and sensibility of the customer's expended resources has saved us considerable sums in budgets countless times. In financial matters, they rely on clear and transparent communication, timely escalation of problems, and avoidance of counterproductive solutions. Every spent crown is subjected to a return on investment test several times.

Personal comment by JCH

I am very glad that I can collaborate with Orgis on projects. Over the past 3 years, thanks to the experience of cooperation with Orgis, I have managed more projects and simultaneously learned many new skills that I can further utilize. I thank Milan Brych and the entire team for the productive years of cooperation.

Jan Chotěborský, Project Manager